Making water as a fuel supplement that could save the use of fuel up to 90%. when checking the battery water using a match. Sudden explosion. "then think. Why water can explode? it's one great question ....
Continue to seek answers, chemist can answer that, water can explode because contain hydrogen. But to separate the hydrogen in the water, we must separate experiments to get an answer.
Finding a simple formula to answer the curiosity.
Chemical formula of water (H20) if given voltage will produce H2 +02. "That was the formula of read the book, "The research trial was conducted. Please, put water into a plastic tube which was placed two stainless steel. At the bottom of the plastic tubes are tubes to channel the hydrogen gas. Then water mixed hidrolit potassium (KOH) which serves as a catalyst to separate content of H2 and 02 in the water.
KOH can be bought at a chemical store, A total of 1 kg Meanwhile, in a test try, 1 liter of water using two tablespoons of KOH. When the two stainless steel mounted on a plastic tube from the battery voltage, small bubbles appear. Bubble, he said, indicating elements that have been separated hydrogen from oxygen.
To prove the existence of energy, using the other places made of tin. The can was filled with soapy water, hose, which hold the hydrogen incorporated into the can, when the flames ignited the can, came the explosion. Well ... The more hydrogen is explosive harder.
In general, the engine performance is to change the fuel into the blast set fire to spark plugs and make the pistons move, the fuel is essentially to create an explosion that could eventually move the machine. So, if there was an explosion, the engine can move. The motorcycle can run.
Water contain an explosive substance that is effective enough hydrogen, the test is completed with the creation of a simple tool called tubular electrolizer. Instrument cause burning of the much larger, high efficiency, and exhaust gas was decreased 90%, practical with simple equipment, fuel efficient up to 90%. motorcycle which usually uses 1 liter of premium can cover the distance 30 to 35 km, that when added electrolizer mileage increased to 50 km to 55 km.
Use electrolizer for only one motor, sedan or minivan vehicle is two, while a bus or truck can four. because the combustion of hydrogen is very good use and create octane reached 130. Compare if only use premium, oktannya
only 80-an, while pertamax 94. In order to produce good hydrogen, using pure water, make energy-efficient equipment.
Science is already spread out for free ..... for those who have learned to free one of his friends who can proudly claim to a new study.
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