The human body consists of many different cell types. Normally, cells grow and divide that only if it makes sense for the body, for example, growth or wound healing. The process - also called regeneration - run continuously and used to keep the body healthy. If cell division occurs, although there are no new cells are needed, there is excessive formation of new tissue. This excess tissue forms a tumor, called cancer. The excess tissue can be benign or malignant.
In benign tissue, the cells do not invade neighboring tissues and do not spread to other parts of the body. malignant tissue is cancerous tissue, but cells grow uncontrollably. They can penetrate into the adjacent, healthy tissue and destroy it. It is also possible that cancer cells break away from the original tumor and invade the bloodstream and lymphatic system. In this way, the cancer spread from the primary tumor and form new tumors in other body parts, this process is called metastasis.
Lung disease in humans
Even lung tumors may be benign or malignant - benign tumors, but occur in far less common than malignant. Benign tumors of the lung usually grow slowly. Thereby displacing healthy tissue, not destroy. Although they rarely cause symptoms, they are usually removed by surgery, to ensure a good nature and to prevent possible degeneration into malignant tumors. More than 90 percent of cases of malignant lung tumors.
Lung cancer, called in the jargon as well as lung cancer or lung cancer can occur in all parts of the lungs. More than 50 percent developed tumors at the top of the lungs, especially in the respiratory tract. This is explained by the fact that the area of lung ventilation during breathing and therefore more exposed to hazardous substances is also a greater degree. From the areas of cancer can then spread to the lung tissue surrounded and then spread to other organs.
The incidence of lung cancer in humans
Lung cancer is breast cancer and prostate cancer, the most common cancer in Western industrialized countries. Died 2004 in Germany 28 820 11 026 men and women from lung cancer. Thus, lung cancer is most common in Germany, the death of tumor associated with men and the third most frequent (after breast and colon cancer) in women.
Compared with all causes of death was lung cancer in men and women third in the seventh. It's sick about three times as many men as women, especially between the age of 55 and 70 Age. While the men since the mid-70s the number of new cases decreased slightly, it drives up women in it. Increased lung cancer in women is associated with increased consumption of cigarettes since the 80s.
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