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    Lung tumor

    In the body, when the disease has begun to attack us whether it is mild or malignant, we need for consultation or examination or something.

    When the tumor has begun to menyerangkita, of course it is very dangerous. Malignant or benign tumors that are equally dangerous.

    At about 10% of cases are benign lung tumor. They grow relatively slowly and replaces lung tissue without destroying it. To confirm the benign nature and prevent the possibility of development of malignant tumors also have a benign tumor removed in every case surgery.

    Tumors can be benign or malignant. When we speak of "cancer," we are referring to is considered a malignant tumor. Benign tumors can usually be removed and not spread to other parts of the body. Malignant tumors grow aggressively and attack other tissues of the body, so that the tumor cells into the bloodstream or lymphatic system and then to other sites in the body. Deployment process is called metastasis. Since lung cancer tends to spread or metastasize very early, of course this is very threatening, because cancer is one of the most difficult to treat. Lung cancer can spread to every organ in the body, while certain organs - particularly the adrenal gland, liver, brain, and bones - are the most common site for metastatic lung cancer.

    However, 90% of malignant lung tumors (lung carcinoma), ie they grow rapidly, infiltrate and destroy lung tissue and can metastasize, which will be carried through the blood or lymph to other organs. Tumor cells arise from the top layers of mucous membrane (epithelium) that lines the surface of the respiratory tract. These tumors are called in the jargon of lung cancer or lung cancer.

    Lung cancer is the most common cancer in both men and women.
    Lung cancer is also a major cause of cancer deaths.

    Types of Lung Cancer

    # More than 90% of lung cancer starts from bronchi (large airways into the lungs), cancer is called carcinoma bronkogenik, which consists of squamous cell carcinoma
    # Small cell carcinoma or carcinoma cell wheat
    # Large cell carcinoma
    # Adenocarcinoma.

    Lung tumors are less common are:
    # Adenoma (either malignant or benign)
    # Hamartoma kondromatous (benign)
    # Sarcoma (malignant)

    Smoking is the main cause of about 90% of cases of lung cancer in men and about 70% in women.
    The more cigarettes smoked, the greater the risk for lung cancer.

    Only a small proportion of lung cancer (about 10% -15% in men and 5% in women) caused by substances that met or inhaled in the workplace.
    Working with asbestos, radiation, arsenic, chromate, nickel, chloromethyl ethers, mustard gas and coke oven emission can cause lung cancer, although usually only occurs in workers who also smoked.

    Role uadara pollution as a cause of lung cancer is still unclear.
    Some cases occur because of exposure by radon gas in the household.

    Sometimes, lung cancer (particularly adenocarcinoma and alveolar cell carcinoma) occurred in people who already have lung scarring due to other pulmonary diseases, such as tuberculosis and fibrosis.

    Symptoms of lung cancer depends upon the type, location and how its spread.

    Usually the main symptom is a persistent cough.
    Patients suffering from chronic bronchitis with lung cancer often realize that the cough is getting worse.

    Sputum may contain blood.
    If the cancer grows into the underlying blood vessels, can cause severe bleeding.

    Cancer can cause wheezing sound due to a narrowing of the airways in or around the growth of cancer.
    Bronchial blockage can cause the collapse of the lungs which is a ramification of bronchus, the condition is called atelectasis
    Another result is pneumonia with symptoms of cough, fever, chest and shortness of breath nyrei.

    If the tumor grows into the chest wall, can cause persistent chest pain.

    The symptoms then are loss of appetite, weight loss and weakness.
    Lung cancer often leads to accumulation of fluid around the lungs (pleural effusion), so that patients experience shortness of breath.
    If the cancer spreads in the lungs can lead to severe shortness of breath, low blood oxygen levels and heart failure.

    Cancer can grow into certain nerves in the neck, causing the occurrence of Horner syndrome, which consists of:
    - Eyelid closure
    - Small pupil
    - Sunken eyes
    - Reduced perspiration on one side of the face.

    Cancer in the top of the lungs can grow into the nerve leading to the arm so that the arm pain, numbness and weakness. Damage can also occur in nerve cords so that people with a hoarse voice.

    Cancer can grow directly into the esophagus, or growing near the throat and squeezed, resulting in swallowing disorders. Sometimes abnormal tract formed (fistula) between the esophagus and bronchi, causing severe coughing during swallowing process progresses, because food and liquid into the lungs.

    Lung cancer can grow into the heart and causes:
    - An abnormal heart rhythm
    - Heart enlargement
    - Accumulation of fluid in the pericardial sack.
    Cancer also can grow around the superior vena cava. Blockage causes venous blood flowing back upwards, ie into other veins of the upper body:
    - Vein in the chest wall expands
    - Face, neck and upper chest wall (including breast) will swell and appear purple.
    This situation also causes shortness of breath, headache, blurred vision, dizziness and drowsiness. The symptoms are usually worse if the patient bend forward or lie down.

    Lung cancer can also spread through the bloodstream to the liver, brain, adrenal gland and bone. This can happen at an early stage, especially in small cell carcinoma.
    Symptoms include liver failure, confusion, seizures and bone pain, which can arise before the occurrence of various abnormalities of the lungs, making early diagnosis difficult to enforce.

    Some lung cancer cause effects at a distance from the lungs, such as metabolic disorders, nerve disorders and muscle disorders (syndrome paraneoplastik).
    This syndrome is not related to size and location of the cancer and do not necessarily indicate that the cancer has spread outside the chest; syndrome is caused by substances released by cancer.
    The symptoms can be an early sign of cancer or an early indication that the cancer had returned, after the treatment.
    One example of the syndrome paraneoplastik is Eaton-Lambert syndrome, characterized by muscle weakness extraordinary. Another example is the muscle weakness and pain due to inflammation (polimiositis), which may be accompanied by inflammation of the skin (dermatomiositis).

    Some lung cancer or hormone releasing hormone-like substances, resulting in high levels of hormones that.
    Small cell carcinoma producing corticotropin (causing Cushing's syndrome) or antidiuretic hormone (causing fluid retention and low sodium levels in the blood).
    The formation of excessive hormones can also cause carcinoid syndrome, namely in the form of redness, wheezing, diarrhea and heart valve abnormalities.
    Squamous cell carcinoma releasing hormone-like substances that cause blood calcium levels are very high.

    Other hormonal syndromes associated with lung cancer are:
    - Breast enlargement in men (gynecomastia)
    - Excess thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism)
    - Skin changes (skin in the armpit become darker).
    Lung cancer can also cause changes in the form of fingers and toes jkaki and changes at the end of long bones, which can be seen on x-rays.

    If someone (especially smokers) experienced a persistent cough or worsening symptoms of lung or other, then there is the possibility of lung cancer.
    Sometimes the instructions found initially in the form of shadows on chest x-ray of someone who showed no symptoms. Chest X-rays can find most of lung tumors, although not all the shadows that look is a cancer.

    Usually, microscopic examination of tissue samples, which are sometimes derived from patient sputum (sputum cytology). To obtain the necessary network, performed bronchoscopy.

    CT scans can show a small shadow that is not visible on chest x-rays and may reveal enlarged lymph nodes.
    To find the spread to the liver, adrenal gland or brain, performed abdominal CT scan and brain.

    The spread to the bone could be seen through Skening bone. Bone marrow biopsy is sometimes done, because of small cell carcinoma tends to spread to the bone marrow

    Classification (stage) of cancer is based on:
    - Tumor size
    - Spread to nearby lymph nodes
    - Spread to other organs.
    This stage is used to determine the type of treatment will be carried out and predictions of disease in patients.

    Bronchial benign tumors are usually removed surgically because they can clog the bronchi and long may become malignant.
    Sometimes performed surgery on cancers other than small cell carcinoma that has not spread. Approximately 10-35% of cancers can be removed surgically, but surgery does not always bring healing.

    Approximately 25-40% of isolated tumor patient and grow slowly, have a life expectancy of up to 5 years after his illness was diagnosed. Patients should perform routine checks for lung cancer recurrence in 6-12% of patients who have undergone surgery.

    Before the surgeries, performed lung function tests to determine whether the remaining lungs still carry out their functions properly or not. If the result is ugly, it is not possible surgery.
    Surgery is not necessary if:
    - The cancer has spread beyond the lung
    - Cancer is too close to the trachea
    - Patients have serus circumstances (such as heart disease or lung disease are heavy).

    Radiation therapy performed on patients who can not undergo surgery because they have other serious illnesses.
    The purpose of radiation is to slow the growth of cancer, not for healing. Radiation therapy can also reduce muscle pain, superior vena cava syndrome and suppression of spinal cord. But radiation therapy can cause inflammation of the lungs (pneumonitis due to radiation), with symptoms of cough, shortness of breath and fever. These symptoms can be reduced by corticosteroids (eg prednisone).

    At the time of diagnosis, small cell carcinoma almost always has spread to other body parts, making it impossible to do surgery. This cancer treated with chemotherapy, sometimes radiation therapy disetai.

    Patients with lung cancer is much decreased lung function. To reduce respiratory problems may be given oxygen therapy and drugs that dilate the airways (bronchodilators).

    Creating such a tumor is not sudden. Degeneration of mucosal cells is a long process that takes many steps and under the influence of a number of factors. Initial recognition of these developments is difficult because the symptoms are almost invisible. Only changes in the mucosa can be classified as Krebsvorboten possible and should be clarified by a thorough investigation.

    Because the lung tissue did not have pain receptors that occur at an early stage there is usually no pain, which indicate malignant disease. Happened general hospital results from the fact that the tumor was in the tissue that surrounds the lungs and has grown into surrounding organs or have spread.

    non-small cell lung carcinoma
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    Small cells and form non-small-cell
    Since its origin, biological properties and different therapeutic approaches, two types of lung cancer can be distinguished: non-small cell and small cell carcinoma of the lung. 75-80% of all lung cancers associated with non-small cell type. Non-small cell carcinoma arising exclusively from the bronchial epithelial layer. Compared with lung cancer in a small cell type non-small cell grows slowly and does not spread quickly, so the forecast is more optimistic. However, non-small cell lung cancer is less sensitive to chemotherapy drugs, what treatment options of intervention.

    Various cell non-small lung carcinoma
    We distinguish between several forms of non-small cell cancer of lung. This is done in accordance with WHO guidelines, based on tissue structure (histology). The most important task of further tumor diagnosis to determine whether the tumor is small cell or non-small cell carcinoma of the lung. In addition, the doctors found out about them, taken from the original tumor tissue. This is a prerequisite for choosing the optimal therapeutic approach. For different origins are treated differently in some circumstances.
    There follows a sub-group of non-kleinzeilligen Lungenkarzninoms this:

        * Squamous cell carcinoma (about 35 to 40%) extending from the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.
        * Adenocarcinomas (25-30%), which arise from cells of the bronchial mucous glands-formation.
        * Large cell carcinoma (about 5 to 10%), which do not arise from the above forms, but indicates the high proportion of large cell volume.
        * Rare subtype (5%), derived from various types of cells.

    Histology of different shapes can also occur mixed. secondary growth (metastasis) of lung cancer often occurs in the lymph nodes, liver, adrenal gland, bone and brain.

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    World Night
    This blog is created for those who want to know more Batam. We not only show the good side, but also bad.
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