Bacteria Free Water and Chemical Substances
After I go along in a few pages, turns out I found too. Was also tired, but this is already a satisfaction in the business. Success is an achievement, certainly. Well it turns out I had it. I was looking for was found as well.
AIR is the basic need of living beings. When humans, animals and plants short of water, it will die, is clear and undeniable. Anyway, very extensive water damage to life, especially the water to eat and drink. People will be dehydration or disease if the lack of fluids in his body. Dehydration is a disruption in water balance or water on the body. This occurred because spending more than revenue water (eg drinking). Impaired body fluid loss is accompanied by body electrolyte balance disorders substance.
Currently drinking water quality in major cities in Indonesia are still apprehensive. Population density, land use is wrong and the high exploitation of water resources is very influential on the quality of water, let alone the quality of its own population. When the nutrients in the body is incomplete it will not be perfect for humans. Obviously if the quality is not great-great people like in America or dicina there.
The opinion was expressed by two specialist water and wastewater. Nusa Idaman Said explained that the government has issued Kepmenkes No 907/Menkes/SK/VII/2002 to the Terms and Drinking Water Quality Monitoring.
Terms of drinking water''in accordance Permenkes it must be free of inorganic materials and organic. In other words the quality of drinking water must be free of bacteria, chemicals, toxins, hazardous wastes and so forth,''said Arie.
Drinking water quality parameters that relate directly to health in accordance Permenkes is related to microbiology, such as E. Coli and total coliform. Associated with organic chemistry in the form of arsenic, Flouride, chromium, cadmium, nitrate, cyanide and selenium.
While the parameters that are not directly related to health, which include odor, color, total dissolved solids (TDS), turbidity, taste, and temperature. For the chemical parameters in the form of aluminum, iron, chloride, manganese, pH, zinc, sulfate, copper, residual chlorine and ammonia.
Water pollution in the region major cities in Indonesia, continued Ariel, very big. Based on statistical data BPS (Central Bureau of Statistics) DKI Jakarta 1998 about 50% of households using tap water (taps), soil water using a pump at 42.67%, dig wells and other 3.16% 0.63%.
''The problems start to appear on product quality drinking water. The water quality of rivers and ground water less qualified. Many people dispose of garbage, debris and waste into rivers. In fact, there are other ways to dispose of hazardous waste plant at a depth of several meters,''said Arie.
Furthermore, he explains the source of clean water in Jakarta come from the Citarum River (80%), Cisadane (15%) and the rest Ciliwung. Those rivers across various rural, residential, industrial, and transportation is quite solid. However, public awareness in protecting the environment is still low, so the river one of the natural resources vulnerable to contamination.
In rural areas the community was experiencing a crisis worthy of drinking water. Excessive use of pesticides pollute the water in rice fields which then flows into the river and used the public for daily life.
Not a few villagers were washed with detergent at the edge of time. Likewise, coastal communities having trouble finding fresh water. As a result, they use sea water with high salinity.
''In the meantime, drinking water treatment technology that is used taps are still lagging behind. In the process the raw water into drinking water taps technology used only eliminate the bacteria E. Coli and iron. While the content of carcinogens is never done,''.
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