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    Secretion is a process of liquid material expenditure by the cell - the cell body or fluid kelanjar which is still utilized by the body for metabolism.

    Renal function can be disrupted due to bacterial infection, inflammation, kidney stones, and so forth. If one kidney is not functioning or impaired, then the other kidney will take over duties pertarna kidney. But the bias kidney damage both it and this will result in very serious because urea will accumulate in the body and cause death. As a product of nitrogen metabolism genes are derived from proteins overhaul. For example: Ammonia,
    and Urea. This substance is toxic to the body so it must be issued by the kidneys through urine.

    Kidney Structure:
    Human beings have a pair of kidneys located on the left and right of the joints' spine in the abdominal cavity.

    Kidney merniliki 3 parts:
    • Leather Kidney (cortex)
    • kidney marrow (rnedulla)
    • cavity kidneys (the renal pelvis)

    Abnormalities and diseases of the Kidney:

    a. Kidney Stones
    Kidney stones occur because of its calcium salt deposits in kidneys sehinnga hamper her out of urine and cause pain. How to Overcome: The disease could be solved with pernbedahan and laser beams. The goal of surgery to remove the salt deposits of potassium salts. The aim of using laser light to break the deposition of calcium salts.

    b. Inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis)
    Kidney inflammation is called nephritis. Kidney inflammation occurred because there was damage to the nephron, especially the glomerulus which is caused by bacterial infection. His damaged nephrons mengakibatkon urine back into the blood and water absorption becomes disturbed, causing swelling in the area of the foot.

    Healing: People of nephritis can be cured with a kidney transplant or regular dialysis. Dialysis is usually done to get a donor kidney patients who have tissue compatibility with the organs of patients.

    c. Kidney Failure
    Renal failure occurs if one kidney is not berfurigsi. Kidney failure one of these be taken over his duties by the other kidney. However, this situation will still present a risk is extremely high. Because the causes of urea accumulation in the body and death.

    How to Overcome It can be solved with a kidney transplant or use artificial kidney until the original kidney function.

    Leather is a tool pengeIuaran metabolic waste in the form of sweat is also associated with body temperature. Disorders and diseases associated with the skin we encounter in everyday life. There is a disease that is not harmful and dangerous.

    Skin Function
    • Protection of the body from external factors
    • Governing body temperature
    • Affect of drought water
    • Instead of having
    • The change provitamin D to vitamin D

    Garngguan and Diseases of the skin
    a. Biduran
    Biduran caused by cold air, food allergies, and chemical allergies. Biduran the mark with the emergence of bumps, irregular bumps and itchy. Biduran may take several hours and can also last for days.
    How to Prevent: If the disease is in sebabknan by allergies, the way its prevention by avoiding food and chemical products that cause allergies. Treatment can be done by using a prescription drug given by a physician ..

    b. Ringworm
    Ringworm is a fungus that infects the skin. These infections are on the mark with the emergence of Iingkaran spots on the skin.
    How To Prevent A: Prevention of this disease is done by keeping the skin dry and not humid. His treatment is done by taking anti-fungal drugs.

    c. Psoriasis
    Psoriasis can not be cured completely, but regular treatment can suppress the symptoms become apparent. GejaIa that in her is skin redness caused that may occur in the scalp, elbows, back and knee.

    d. Skin Cancer
    Skin cancer caused by sunlight reception this berlebihan.Penyakit Iebih often attack people who were white or light, because skin color is more sensitive to sunlight.
    How to Prevent: Prevention can be done with sunscreen or avoid contact with the sun too much.

    The liver is the largest gland in the body dark red. Substance is released bile pigment (bilirubin). Liver disease can be caused by viral infection, not the workings of the liver and bile.

    Abnormalities and Diseases of the Liver
    a. Hepatitis
    Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver cause by the virus. Hepatitis virus there are several kinds, such as viral hepatitis A and hepatitis B. Hepatitis is in sebabkon by the hepatitis B virus more dangerous daripado Hepatitis is caused by viral Hepatitis A.
    How to Prevent: How to prevent it by doing the vaccinations.

    b. Yellow Penyokit
    Jaundice is caused by blockage of the bile ducts that rnengakibatkan bile can not be in the stream into the intestine of twelve fingers, So get into the blood and the blood color to yellow. Patient looked pale yellowish skin, and nails were yellow fingers. This happens because the whole body there are blood vessels that carry blood yellowish because it mixes with bile.

    The lungs play a role in respiration, respiratory will generate waste materials in the form of water vapor and carbon dioxide gas is released through the nostrils. What causes people affected by lung disease? The main causes that make the lungs are not functioning optimally odalah infections, viruses and bacteria as well as air pollution.

    Disorders and lung disease
    a. Asthma
    Asthma in the know with asthma that is caused by bronchospasm. Asthma is a major respiratory tract penyernpitan in the lungs. Symptoms of this disease in check with difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath. The disease is not contagious and bersifot decline. Environmental conditions that its air is polluted or unhealthy will trigger an asthma attack.

    b. Tuberculosis (TB)
    Tuberculosis is a disease that is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This bacteria attacks the lungs so that on the inside there is a pimple alveoli. TB can cause death. Most of those infected with tuberculosis had tuberculosis bacteria without having symptoms, this is called latent tuberculosis.

    If patients do not receive treatment for latent tuberculosis will develop active tuberculosis. Active tuberculosis is a condition where the immune sistern not able to fight the tuberculosis bacteria contained within the body, so menimbulkam infection, especially in the lungs. TB can be overcome with therapy.

    Depat TB therapy is done:
    • Users vaccine BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guerin)
    BCG vaccine is given from infancy. The protection given by BCG vaccine can last for 10-15 years, so at the age of 12-15 years can be done revaccination.
    • Treatment of latent tuberculosis patient Poda.
    • treatment of active tuberculosis by using the antibiotic for about 6 months should not be broken.
    c. Pneumonia
    This disease is caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi that infect the lungs, especially in the alveoli. The disease is difficult to enter because oxygen meriyebabkan alveoli filled by cairon.

    About Me

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    World Night
    This blog is created for those who want to know more Batam. We not only show the good side, but also bad.
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