Xylem is a timber vessel which is a network carrier (vascular), which serves to transport the material - food ingredients from the root to the leaves for further processing
xylem is the tissue complex. Associated with the phloem and xylem tissue form of ongoing throughout the plant body. Xylem composed of several types of cells. Xylem can be derived from primary or secondary growth.
Xylem is composed of tracheid wood reed, jejari cells, fibers, and xylem parenchyma. Tracheid is pointed elongated cells, protoplasmanya dead soon after his cell was formed. Berpenebalan tracheid walls in many spiral or ring of lignocellulose, and often bernoktah. In certain plant species, for example in open seed plants, xylem is composed almost entirely by tracheid that form part of the main carrier.
Reed wood not a single cell but a long series of vertical tubes are composed of cells of the wood reed. Bernoktah wood reed walls and often have various types of thickening. Areas of thickening in the wall of wood and reeds add strength tracheid xylem tissue. Reed wood is a staple carrier structure in seed plants xylem mostly closed. Jejari cells mainly parenkimatis.
Vascular dementia is a form of dementia that can be pressed incidence is a way to control risk factors, and also the underlying disease.
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