R.D.X. ......................... 88.3%
Heavy mineral oil .............. 11.1%
Lecithin ....................... 00.6%
(all percentages are by weight)
All the type 'C' plastic explosives (which include C-2, C-3 and C-4) which is very strong and should be used with utmost caution.
Explosive is only a copy of the British explosives have been taken at the beginning of WWII. This is the choice explosive materials of the type 'C' because the compounds are relatively easy to manufacture and ease of acquisition of plastizer complex. This explosive was available in
standard demolition blocks.
Also plastic 0-40 degrees centigrade. Above 40 degrees the explosive undergoes extrudation become swollen and even explosive properties go relatively unimpaired. Below 0 degrees centigrade to become brittle and cap sensitivity is reduced.
In this composition, the lecithin acts to prevent the formation of large crystals of RDX which would increase the sensitivity of explosive materials. This has a lot of explosive power and relatively not toxic (unless ingested)
Both methods are simple kneading the complex plastisizing to RDX until mixture is uniform. This explosive should be stored in cool, dry place. If properly made the plastique must be very stable in storage even if stored on temparatures elevated for long periods of time.
Explosive manufacturing can be done two ways. The first is to destroy 11.7% plastisizing in unleaded gasoline and mixing with the RDX and allowing gasoline to evaporate until the mixture is free of all gasoline.

Must close very sensitive. A booster will be a good choice, especially if used below 0 degrees centigrade. Detonates at this speed 7900/MPS