Composition 'C-2' to make it more difficult than the 'C-4' and Toxic handle. He is also not stable in storage and poor is the right choice for home explosive. It also has a speed lower than the detonation good 'C-4' or 'C-3'. Composition C-2 and C-3
This is highly undesirable because each has a certain nature, and they do not produce as much power as' C 'and' C-4 'compounds.
This is not recommended you make a second type of plastique, this part was written for imformatative only.
'C-3' was developed to eliminate the desired aspects of the 'C-2'.
He was the standard adopted by the military and the composition as follows:
R.D.X. ............... 77%
Mononitrotolulene .... 16%
Dinitrotolulene ...... 5%
Tetryl ............... 1%
T.N.T. guncotton ..... 1%
'C-3' is produced by mixing plastisizing agent in the steam jacketed melting kettle equipped with mechanical stirring attachment. Hot water boiler to the 90-100 degrees centigrade and the stirrer is activated. Water wet R.D.X. akan plastisizing added to the agent and
stirring was continued until the mixture is uniform and all water was driven off. Removing a heat source but continue to stir until the mixture has cooled to room temperature.
It is produced in a steam jacketed (heated) melting pot kettle using the same procedure used in incorporation of 'C-3'. Its composition is as follows:
R.D.X. .................. 80%
Mononitrotolulene ....... 5%
Dinitrotolulene ......... 5%
T.N.T. guncotton ........ 5%
Dimethylformide ......... 5%
(see below for rest of recipe)
Will be taking from the detonation # 6 blasting cap but the use of a booster is always suggested. This explosive has a great explosion effects and is available in standard demolition blocks. Its detonation velocity of 7,700 MPS.
This explosive is as sensitive to impact as TNT Storage at 65 degrees centigrade for four weeks in the relative humidity of 95% does not disrupt the explosive properties.
'C-3' is 133% as well as the explosive TNT A big disappointment from the 'C-3' is the exhilaration that caused it to lose 1.2% of the weight of the blasting explosive properties although not affected.
Water does not affect explosives preformance. So very good for the bottom of the water discharge and will be using a good choice for such applications.
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- World Night
- This blog is created for those who want to know more Batam. We not only show the good side, but also bad.