Toxicity of pesticides that are described as reversible if the impact down or lost when the exposure ended. But in a situation where the pesticidal Adverse effects persist even when exposure is eliminated, which is considered toxic irreversible.
For many pesticides, the response to acute exposure to very different responses to the subchronic or chronic exposure, ie, doses that once administrative May cause little or no response, while some of the exposure (at the same dose) through the intermediate or long period of time may akan produce a significant response.

A pesticide told Adverse effects acutely toxic if one results from the exposure, usually at a relatively high dose. But it should be noted that exposure of the same or lower dose several times within a very short period of time (eg 24 hours) also termed acute. Acute effects in humans is often due to accidents, such as a child ingesting the pesticide. Attempt suicide, and in some cases, the abuse of pesticides roisterous products, may be the acute exposure.
Effect of pesticides vary with the duration of exposure:
• acute (short-term exposure, exposure of one or more of exposure in a very short period of time)
• subchronic (intermediate-term exposure, repeated exposure for a longer period of time)
• chronic (long-term exposure, repeated exposure over a long time)
The toxic effects of some pesticides are reversible when exposure is eliminated, regardless of the dose, while the effects may be reversible on exposure lowdose irreversible but at high doses. Toxic effects that are sometimes reversible, at first, but with the exposure continues to be irreversible, even though the dose.
Whenever the cause of pesticides Adverse effects following acute exposure, it is said to exhibit acute toxicity.

Subchronic toxic effects evident after repeated often (eg, daily) exposure, over weeks or months, to doses of pesticides that may be only little or no response to a single, acute exposure. Body may not eliminate exposure to pesticides before a row, so that resulted in a buildup that trigger subchronic Adverse effects.
Effects due to chronic exposure continues for long period of time-a lifetime, for example. Pesticides can have a cumulative effect on the body, even on a low dose so that no direct or short-term effect is evident. Although it may be the body can recover from the effects of at least one dose or multiple low doses can cause, may not be able to totally between repeated exposure over long period of time. The buildup of chemicals in the host system eventually became known as the chronic effects, and the resulting, cumulative damage can be permanent.