It also appears the case of MDR-TB (multi-resistant drugs-resistant to various drugs). It said the Director of Direct Transmitted Disease Control (PPML) Ministry of Health Iwan M Muljono at the event with a press briefing to welcome the World Tuberculosis Day, Friday (19 / 3). Day Tuberculosis (TB) is commemorated every year on March 24.
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The disease is transmitted by air through the mucus spark people with TB. Most of the attacks the lungs, but can also other organs.
From: Compass
Most people with tuberculosis in developing countries and densely populated. Most people with tuberculosis in India, China, and Indonesia.
In Indonesia, every year in about half a million new cases of TB. Half of them are infectious TB cases, causes approximately 100,000 deaths. TB disease most common cause of death was infectious diseases.
Tuberculosis is also a threat to the productivity of society-about 70 percent of sufferers are in productive age. The findings most cases, namely in North Sulawesi, DKI Jakarta, and Banten.
Heavier burden
Control of TB, according to Lani, the more severe with increasing cases of HIV / AIDS and the emergence of resistance to several first-line drugs (MDR-TB). HIV infection weakens the immune system that causes people with HIV / AIDS vulnerable to TB. HIV-infected people at risk of TB illness by 60 percent.
They are without HIV risk by about 10 percent. Another challenge is bermunculannya cases of MDR-TB or TB due to
germs that have been resistant to various anti-TB drugs. Treatment of MDR-TB with second-line drugs is much more expensive and difficult.
Head of the Ministry of Health TB Subdit Dyah meaning of MUSTIKAWATI add, TB becomes more difficult to control because the disease has a social and economic dimensions. "TB associated with poverty and population density. In densely populated areas and poor neighborhoods are usually tight and do not qualify healthy home. Public awareness of health and the environment are also low, "he said.
Chairman of the Patients Association and the Community Care pamali TB or TB Indonesia Indonesia Retnowati said, tuberculosis is also associated with behavior. "Coughing without covering her mouth, medication non-compliance, and obstacles to reach health facilities come to influence," he said.
Iwan said Indonesia using DOTS strategy (directly observed treatment shortcourse) in dealing with TB. DOTS consists of five components, namely the government's commitment to maintain control of TB, case detection, treatment of 6-8 months of regular, routine availability of TB drugs, and reporting system for monitoring treatment and program development. World TB Day was commemorated with advocacy activities, communication and social mobilization, involving all parties to support the commitment to TB control. (INE)
From: Kompas