The definition of abrin is one of the most dangerous plants in the world. The seeds contain the toxic lectin that is what is called abrin toksalbumin
Aspect Farmakognosi - The vines, the specifics of this plant is its leaves which tasted sweet when chewed. This leaves a sweet because it contains glycosides glisirrhizin. But do not chew the seeds because they contain toxins toksalbumin, namely abrin.
Research using sage leaves has not been widely reported. From some of the literature found that the leaves also contain abrin saga that is highly toxic, whereas saga leaves a lot of traditionally used to treat various diseases.
Based on the facts above, one of the focuses of this research is to know the saga of leaf toxicity. Besides abrin, there is also the saga of leaf flavonoids and glisirhizin which have been known to have antioxidant activity
- Saga (Abrus precatorius L.) is a plant that is widely used traditionally as medicine in many countries, among others, to treat epilepsy, cough and cold sore
- This plant is a common vines growing wild in the forest,
fields, pages and other places at an altitude of 300 to 1000 m above sea level
- From the existing literature is known that plants saga
containing flavonoids
- Part of the saga contains an antenna and abruquinone B isoflavanquinone
~ Active as antitubercular, antiplasmodial and abruquinone G
~ Active as antiviral and toxicity properties have
~ Saga seeds contain flavonol glucoside
~ Proximate rich in protein and essential amino acids
~ Beans are also rich saga abrin compounds that can cause apoptosis of leukemia cell culture
~ Other crops with the saga of one genus have also been studied as Abrus aglutinin that can be used as an immunostimulant
~ Potential as an immunomodulator, whether they are natural and which has been denatured by heat.
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- World Night
- This blog is created for those who want to know more Batam. We not only show the good side, but also bad.