Chemistry (from the Arabic "the art of transformation" and the Greek khemeia
Alchemy is the science that studies about the composition and properties of substances or materials from atomic to molecular scale and the change or transformation as well as their interaction to form the material found in the everyday.
Chemistry is also studying the understanding the nature and interactions of individual atoms in order to apply this knowledge at the macroscopic level. According to modern chemistry, physical properties are generally determined by the structure of matter at the atomic level, which in turn is determined by the force antaratom.
is the macroscopic observations using the eyes alone. This is because our eyes are also able to clearly see objects that size is not too big and not too small. Last is the microscopic observation. This observation is usually done using a tool called a microscope. Needed due to the large object that we need to observe objects too small that can not be viewed only by using just the naked eye.
Chemistry is often referred to as the "central science" because it connects the various other sciences, like physics, materials science, nanotechnology, biology, pharmacy, medicine, bioinformatics, and geology
geological engineering is "the present is the key to the past", which requires a strong base of natural science, science (science), engineering, basic science (basic engineering), engineering sciences (engineering) and other supporting sciences
This connection arises through the various subdisciplines that utilizes concepts from various disciplines. For example, physical chemistry involves the application of physical principles to the matter at the atomic and molecular level.
Chemicals associated with the interaction of matter that could involve two substances or between matter and energy, particularly in relation to the first law of thermodynamics.
energy is the joule. In energy physics is divided into various kinds / types, among others:
- Potential energy
- Kinetic energy / kinetic
- Thermal energy
- Energy water
- Energy coal
- Petroleum energy
- Electric energy
- Solar energy
- Wind energy
- Chemical energy
- Nuclear energy
- Natural gas energy
- Wave energy and wave
- Petroleum energy
- Mechanical energy / mechanical
- Light energy
- Electric energy
- Etc.
A. Potential energy or energy Silence
Potential energy is energy possessed an object due to the influence of the place or position of the object. The potential energy is also called the energy of objects in the silence of silent keaadaan can have energy. If the object is moving, then it changes the potential energy into mechanical energy. Examples such as palm fruit ready to fall from the tree, the house lizards on the ceiling, and many others.
Formula or equation of potential energy:
Ep = m.g.h
Ep = potential energy
m = mass of the object
g = acceleration of gravity
h = height of objects from the ground
B. Kinetic energy or kinetic
Kinetic energy is energy from an object owned by the influence of his movement. A moving object has kinetic energy.
Formula or kinetic energy equation:
^ 2 Ek = 1/2.m.v
Ep = kinetic energy
m = mass of the object
v = velocity of the object
v ^ 2 = v rank second
C. Energy Conservation Law
"Energy can not be created nor destroyed"
So changes in the form of an energy from one form to another form that does not change the number or size of their overall energy.
Mechanical formula or equation (associated with energy conservation laws):
Em = Ep + Ek.
Thermodynamics is the study of heat (thermal) who move. In thermodynamics you will be much to discuss about the system and environment. Collection of objects that is being reviewed is called system, while all who are standing (outside) the system is called the environment.
Traditional chemistry involves interactions between chemicals in a chemical reaction, which converts one or more substances into one or more other substances. Sometimes the reaction is driven by enthalpy considerations, such as when two high berentalpi substances such as elemental hydrogen and oxygen react to form water, a substance with a lower enthalpy.
Hydrogen is the most abundant element on the percentage of approximately 75% of the total mass of the universe elements. That's why scientists and researchers think of hydrogen as a clean fuel of the future. However, hydrogen fuel does not occur naturally on Earth that is not an energy source, but an energy carrier. Currently most hydrogen is made from methane or other fossil fuels, which makes it not as clean as the final product. The answer lies in producing hydrogen from water using electrolysis with the presence of one or more catalysts. check this out: 10 ways that can be used to produce clean hydrogen by electrolyzing water through energy-efficient manner.
Oxygen is one of the existing dangerous addictive substances on earth. All of mankind is born addicted to substances, five minutes without inhaling these substances, humans will be hooked with the characteristics of gasping and eventually died.
Chemical reactions can be facilitated by a catalyst, which generally represents the other chemicals involved in the reaction medium but not consumed (for example, is that catalyze the sulfuric acid electrolysis of water) or immaterial phenomena (such as electromagnetic radiation in the photochemical reaction). Also handle the traditional chemical analysis of chemical substances, both inside and outside of a reaction, such as in spectroscopy.
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- World Night
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