Shaped like a ball or cap located above the kidneys. In each kidney is a gland suprarenalis which is divided into two parts, namely the outer part (cortex) and the middle (medulla).
Suprarenalis adrenal gland or glands are triangular-shaped endocrine glands located above the kidneys (ad, "near" or "at" + renes, "kidney"). This gland is responsible for the regulation of stress response in the synthesis of corticosteroids and catecholamines, including cortisol and adrenaline.
There are several groups of cells in pancreatic islets, known as endocrine function as hormones that produce insulin. This hormone functions regulate blood glucose concentrations. Excess glucose will be taken to the liver cells and then be reorganized into glycogen for storage. This hormone deficiency will cause disease to diabetes. In addition, the pancreas also produces the hormone glucagon antagonist that works with the hormone insulin.
Synthesis is the process of making compounds in the laboratory result is the same with a compound found naturally. Who's an expert in organic chemistry is often associated with the ability to synthesize or analyze various compounds. In the 1950s and 1960s, the success of organic synthesis have no counterpart. Many Nobel awarded for the successful synthesis of several important compounds.
synthesis of methyl ester transesterification based on more efficient and subsequently used to synthesize methyl ester as a base for the synthesis of sucrose polyester.
Sucrose polyester (SPE) was prepared by transesterification of sucrose and sucrose oktaasetat interesterification. The optimum conditions for EPS synthesis by transesterfikasi mole ratio is 1:16, catalyst 4% of the weight of sucrose, the reaction temperature of 120 ° C, pressure 50-10 mm Hg, the reaction time of seven hours, and 83% yield. Product has a specific gravity 0.9635, refractive index at 40 ° C. 1456 The optimum condition is obtained by interesterification of sucrose mole ratio of FAME oktaasetat between 1:10 and 1:12, NaOCH3 catalyst concentration of 2% of the total weight of sucrose plus oktaasetat FAME, a reaction temperature of 105-110 ° C, pressure 0-5 mm Hg , reaction time 2.5 hours. Yield was obtained at this optimum condition is 46.74-47.10% mol or 131-132% weighting.
Physico-chemical and functional outcome of sucrose polyester synthesis: 1456 refractive index at 25 ° C, the specific gravity of 0.9533 at 25 ° C, 486 cp viscosity, saponification number 233, the degree of substitution (DS) 07.08, hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) 2.0 . The viscosity of sucrose polyester synthesis results (486 cp) were significantly higher than the coconut oil viscosity (cp 170) that is used as feedstock.
Corticosteroids are hormones produced by the adrenal cortex. The immune system is the body's defense system consisting of specific immune system and non-specific. Corticosteroids, given either topically or systemically can suppress specific immune system and non-specific.
Corticosteroids have the influence to complement biological activity. Effect of inhibition of the fixation of C3b to its receptor on mononuclear phagocytes, and the inhibitory effect of C3a, C5a and C567 on PMN leukocyte. Non-specific influence of this only happened on high-dose corticosteroids. This has been evidenced in vitro with doses of methylprednisolone 30 mg / kg. or in vivo with intravenous hydrocortisone dose 120 mg / kg intravenously
Catecholamines is a hormone that causes high blood pressure and other symptoms. or catecholamines is a major neurotransmitter function associated with frontal lobe brain function. So that the dopaminergic and noradrenergic neurotransmission seems to be the main target in the treatment of ADHD.
High levels of catecholamines in the blood are associated with stress that can come from a psychological reaction in yourself or the pressure of the external environment such as noise, the atmosphere is uncomfortable, difficult conditions, and others. Very high levels of catecholamines (also known as the toxicity of catecholamines) may occur because of stimulation or damage to nerve cells in the brain stem. Some drugs such as tolcapone (COMT-inhibitor center) could also increase the levels of catecholamines. Two types of catecholamines, namely dopamine and epinephrine, also functions as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system as well as hormones in the blood circulation.
Catecholamines facilitate physical reactions related to the preparation of muscle action include increased heart rate and lung cancer, gastric inhibitory and small intestine, constriction of blood vessels in many parts of the body, inhibition of tear glands, enlarged pupils, urinary bladder relaxation, and inhibition of erections . Catecholamines cause general body physiology alter itself to adjust the face of physical activity.
Is the primary stress hormone cortisol in the body and associated with a number of health problems including obesity. Chronic stress or long-term stress raise cortisol levels, and this causes weight gain. However, this key hormone ignored completely in most diet programs.
Stress Hormones. As a reaction to stress, child-kidneys secrete excessive hormones, adrenaline / NA (noradrenaline) and cortisol through each CNS (central nervous system) and the pituitary. Cortisol secretion can be increased up to 301 mg in order to overcome the effects of stress, such as inflammation, pain and fever. Cortisol as an anti-inflammatory substances inhibit the functioning of the immune system's reaction so that the response to stress should not be too great.
Adrenaline and NA serves to prepare the organism for action (fight or flight) with a road to enable a variety of physiological processes. Most important among them is the stimulation of CNS effects include increased blood pressure and increased blood flow the brain, lungs and peripheral muscles. Reduced protein synthesis and increased glucose production by mobilization of glycogen reserves, as well as the release of fatty acids into the blood. Fatty acids are a source of energy that can be directly used. Therefore, the lipid profile deteriorated with the increase in triglycerides and LDL-cholesterol and decrease HDL. With these changes, the body can adjust to the pressure (stress) that threatened him.
Hormone from the gland, kidney and children working principles:
1. Adrenal cortex:
a. Mineralocorticoid: Mengontol metabolism of inorganic ions
b. Glucocorticoids: Control of glucose metabolism
2. Part Adrenal medulla: adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline Both these hormones work together in the following:
a. bronchial dilatation
b. vasoconstriction in arterial
c. vasodilation of blood vessels of the brain and muscles
d. convert glycogen to glucose in liver
e. peristalsis
f. with insulin regulate blood sugar levels
Regulation of adrenal medulla hormones
Tense stimuli cause the hypothalamus to activate the adrenal medulla by the adrenal cortex and nerve impulses through hormonal signals. Adrenal medulla facilitate short-term response to stress by secreting hormones and catecholamines are efinefrin norefinefrin. Adrenal cortex to control a more enduring response by secreting a steroid hormone.
~ Pancreas gland is a group of cells located in the pancreas, which is known as the island - the island of Langerhans.
~ Pancreas gland produces the hormone insulin and glucagon. Insulin facilitate the movement of glucose from the blood into cells - the body's cells through the cell membrane.
~ In the muscle glucose metabolized and stored in the form of reserves.
~ In liver cells, insulin accelerated the process of formation of glycogen (glikogenesis) and the formation of fat (lipogenesis).
~ High glucose concentration in blood is a stimulus to secrete insulin. Conversely glukogen works opposite to insulin.
~ Settings blood sugar levels
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