RUT XII fields
In line with the Mutual Assistance Cabinet Program primarily related to the third program is Normalization of Economic Life, the RUT XII research activities prioritized in the following areas: Agriculture and Food; Marine, terrestrial and aerospace; Biotechnology (for the fields of Health, Environment, Industry Agriculture and Food); Energy, Informatics and Microelectronics; and Manufacturing.
In addition to these areas, in accordance with PUNAS RISTEK 2001 - 2005, the RUT XII may receive proposals for the fields of research: the National Systems Development, Sectoral and Regional Transportation and Logistics and New Materials. Entire areas of research Ruth XII, are:
1. National Systems Development, Sectoral and Regional
2. Agriculture and Food
3. Health
4. Environment
5. Marine, terrestrial and aerospace
6. Transport and Logistics
7. Energy
8. Manufacturing
9. Information and Microelectronics
10. New Materials
In accordance with previous policy, funding allocations aligned to the ratio of Basic Research Program, Applied Research Program, Production Technology Development Program and about 30: 35: 35.
Special Note for RUT XII
In order to strive to further sharpen the direction of research in the areas funded by the Government in order to obtain a more scalable aggregation results, the output is more real and focused, it was decided that the activities resulting accumulation RUT XII needs a more useful research. And for the RUT XII has been selected oil palm commodities that have value and competiive comparaive products.
Proposals related to the tenth of the above should merely refer to the coconut palm research. Targets to be achieved in the research Palm, with the accumulated results of research that is intended in the RUT XII:
1. Accumulation of basic research, applied research and development of production technology for coconut palm (from upstream to downstream);
2. Support the realization of competence in research and development-oriented economic activity commodity Palm has given the international market which is good enough to bring in foreign and domestic markets available. Furthermore, the cultivation of oil palm to CPO / PKO as downstream agro-industries can provide employment solutions for farmers, reduce poverty nationally, in addition to liven up basic research in biotechnology and seeds. Processed Products CPO / PKO into food products, medicines, soaps, and even energy and other biodiesel, is a challenge for researchers and engineers to process CPO / PKO into processed products with higher added value for exports;
3. Awakening community-oriented researchers and engineers at Palm commodities within the next three years is expected to be able to finance its research activities independently.
May be useful for us all. Thank You
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