The tumor is a group of abnormal cells that form the result of excessive cell division process and uncoordinated. In medical language, a tumor known as neoplasia. Neo means new, plasia means growth / division, so neoplasia refers to the growth of new cells, which differs from growth in surrounding cells are normal. You need to know your body cells in general have two main tasks, namely carrying out its functional activity and reproduce by dividing. But that occur in tumor cells is almost all the cell's energy is used solely for breeding activities. This proliferation function regulated by the nucleus of the cell (nucleus), resulting in tumor cells found that the cell nucleus is enlarged because of increased work demands.
From the above understanding of tumors, the tumors were divided form the two major categories of benign tumors (benign) and malignant tumors (malignant) or popularly called cancer. There are significant differences in properties between these two types of tumors, and indeed obliged to distinguish a requirement for medical practitioners. The main difference between them is that malignant tumors is more dangerous and fatal in accordance with the word 'savage' itself. This picture, although the tumor was malignant or cancerous tissue in the foot, it was in advanced stages can lead to death. Benign tumors can only lead to death directly attributable to the growth of a hazardous location such as a tumor in the neck that can suppress airway. There are several characteristics that distinguish between benign and malignant tumors;
1. Growth.
Malignant tumors grow more quickly because it is relatively more active and aggressive, consequently if the body surface will appear to the tumor enlarged rapidly and often at its peak is accompanied by injury or decay that does not go away. These chronic wounds caused supplies nutrients to the tumor cells are not able to keep more tumor cells rapidly multiply the number, the result is cells that do not get a tip of nutrients and die. Be careful if you have a dirty wound and do not go away with treatment even wider.
2. Expansion.
Benign tumors grow in an expansionary or urgent, but not damaging the surrounding normal tissue structures. This is because benign tumors have a capsule that limits between the tumor cells are abnormal with normal cells. In contrast to the malignant tumor that did not berkapsul, this tumor growth while infiltrating or infiltrate surrounding tissue damage. Such growth was first discovered by Hippocrates - the father of medical science - and he was named as the cancer (from the Latin crab) because he thinks such infiltrative process thus resembles a crab claw shape. Due to the infiltrative process, the tissue surrounding the malignant tumor is often damaged, and if the network of blood vessels that infiltrated the tumors of this type can cause bleeding symptoms. For example, in one of the symptoms of lung cancer is coughing up blood.
3. Metastases.
Metastasis is the spread child, means the ability of a tumor tissue to be separated from its mother and stick and be able to live and develop further in other body tissues remote from the parent tumor tissue. For example breast cancer can metastasize to the lungs and cause respiratory disturbance processes. Line can metastasize through the bloodstream, lymph flow and the processes apart / falling directly attached to a particular place. Metastases occur only in malignant tumors. Benign tumors never metastasize. Therefore this is the malignant tumor metastases to the foot for example can be fatal to the sufferer.
4. Preview provider.
Malignant tumor under the microscope will appear a set of cells that often do not resemble normal tissue should be, even malignant cells can give an illustration that did not resemble any cell in the human body (not differentiating / anaplasi). While generally benign tumor differentiation properly, it means the picture is still similar to the cells to normal cells but aktvitas pembelahannya origin are more active. So we can conclude that the more anaplastic / undifferentiated worse then a tumor that must be increasingly malignant tumor.
5. Recurrence.
Benign tumors are generally rare with proper surgery for recurrence. Malignant tumors have higher recurrence due process of operation, it is difficult to actually complete it because of this abnormal tissue berkapsul not so difficult to be distinguished and separated from the surrounding normal tissue that has been infiltrated. Besides advanced malignant tumors generally have a wider spread of bermetasasis far that even surgery is not possible anymore due to cure malignant cells already existing in almost every part of the body.
What causes a person may be suffering from a tumor? These are the questions most frequently expressed a patient to medical practitioners about the tumor. And the real question this simple fact alone raises anxieties for those medical whenever asked. Why? Not because we do not know the answer, but in medicine and research, did not know the answer would surely someone can cause tumors.
But in general believed that the process of tumor formation associated with three main factors namely genetics (heredity), carcinogenic (oncogenes) and co-carcinogens (co-oncogene). Genetic factors or the descendants mentioned that some people bring talent (in the form of the gene) for certain tumors. Of course, talent alone will not turn into tumors at a later date if no other trigger factors. Other trigger factors that are co-carcinogens and carcinogens. Which include carcinogens such as chemical compounds (such as asbestos, preservatives and food coloring), physical factors (such as excessive x-ray radiation, excessive sunlight), hormonal (such as the role of estrogen in breast cancer, prostate cancer, testosterone), and viruses (such as viruses HPV as the main culprit of cervical cancer). While co-carcinogen is a certain age (generally along the tumor incidence with age), the wrong lifestyle, smoking, alcohol, eating less fiber, an irritation repeatedly.
Given the above discussion we can conclude that there is a tumor that is multifactorial and complex process. Consequently in the world of neoplasia, prevention of the diseases one is often difficult because the exact cause is unknown. There are a number of malignancies that have already received advice that the general prevention, among others avoid smoking (to prevent cervical cancer, lung, mouth), avoid the too early age of sexual relations and mutually sexual and HPV immunization (to prevent cervical cancer), Avoid alcohol (to prevent stomach cancer, esophagus, liver) and others.
But what is important for tumor types other than prevention of disease is early detection or screening tests. The study will test ways of screening and early detection of growing into a very promising direction. There are several ways to recognize the tumor. There is also a gradual procedures performed by physicians to diagnose this disease. Subjective complaints submitted by patients is often not much help because it is generally non-specific symptoms.
However, there are several symptoms that doctors already directs the mind to the possibility of certain tumors, for example:
- Often in the genital bleeding after intercourse without obvious cause. Usually need to be suspected in the direction of cervical cancer.
- Breast lumps are hard to milk teats that are interested in, to consider breast cancer.
- Coughing of blood on heavy smokers aged> 50 years related to the frequency of lung cancer.
- Changes in stools become small and the presence of blood in it can be suspected colon cancer.
Of these complaints, there will be a clinical physical examination of the relevant body. Often necessary in such digital rectal examination (insert a finger into the hole's bottom) or vaginal plug. But often all of this new procedure results in a presumptive diagnosis or suspected in most cases, so the investigation is required.
Investigations are needed can be a simple and relatively cheap until supermahal and sophisticated. The principle is the more strange and difficult an examination of the tumor then needed a more sophisticated and expensive. Among others who performed the inspection penujang x-ray images, CT scans, MRI, ultrasound, biopsy (some or all of the suspect tissue is taken and examined under a microscope), bronchoscopy (insert camera tube into the airway), endoscopy (insert the hose into the camera in the digestive tract, can pass the mouth or rectum), blood tests, stool examination, Pap's smear and mammography (a special x-ray photograph for breasts).
Among all types of this investigation, the examination that can confirm the tumor type and degree of ferocity is the biopsy. As previously mentioned, in terms of tumor disease known screening examination, which means early detection of the presence of the tumor so that treatment can provide more optimal results. Early detection is paramount in treatment of tumors, especially cancer. In fact there are several ways that can be done for early detection of patients themselves, for example, examine their own breasts each month after menses (BSE Breast Self-Check) to detect tumors in the breast.
But unfortunately not all types of tumors have a way of screening the right. Various malignant cancers such as lung cancer, pancreatic, gastric, ovarian often escapes from the symptoms or clinical examination of a complaint that has been lingering in the advanced stages are difficult to treat again. Fortunately, the two most common cancers in women, namely breast and cervical cancer, have a fairly accurate early detection. Pap's smear is still the effective screening for cervical cancer or endometrial cancer (lining of the uterus), while the BSE and mammography combined with ultrasound is used as an effective breast cancer screening.
So do not waste this advantage for women, consult with your doctor and do regular screening. In addition to know the type of tumor, specific to malignant tumors or cancer, it is also important to know the classification or derajadnya. In general, the smaller the degree of cancer is increasingly being addressed and prognosis (cure and life expectancy) is much greater.
There are two systems of grading and classification of tumor staging. In grading, tumor classification based on the microscope image of networks, namely the results of biopsy (histologic picture). Here assessed the level of anaplastic or differentiation of cancer cells, the more chaotic picture of the cell (more anaplastic) the higher the rank and means that the more malignant the cancer.
While the staging obtained from the clinical examination-supporting, and is generally assessed based on the size of a large degree the parent tumor, had spread to lymph nodes or metastasize or not and have not yet. More meaningful in a therapy is based on the classification of this staging. The higher the staging, for example, cancer that has metastasize, the treatment will be an impasse and reduced life expectancy.
There are various kinds of tumor treatment, is generally a combination of surgery, radiation and chemicals (chemotherapy). Benign tumors if the interrupt and allow the surgery and usually removed. And subsequent recurrence is rare. Benign tumors do not require radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Unlike benign tumors, only very early-stage cancer that could be treated with surgery alone, the rest are usually treated the combination between the three different types of therapy above.
Generally low with the staging of cancer with a good appointment and surgery followed by radiation to the possibility of remaining cells in the vicinity of the surgery, the patient can heal. In cancer that has metastasize, in the form of additional chemotherapy drugs are injected into the blood vessels are intended to catch and kill cancer cells that have been wandering throughout the body via blood or lymph vessels. And usually in advanced stages, palliative cancer therapy is intended only meaningful purpose mempanjang age and relieve the symptoms that make patients suffer. Palliative therapy aims not heal, because it is relatively difficult to cure cancer at an advanced stage.
When necessary, among others, based on the radiation sensitivity of cancer cells to radiation. There are some cancer cells are very sensitive irradiated and give good results such as cancer of embryonic cells (eg testis), or blood cells and lymph (eg lymphoma). But there are some cancer cells that are resistant to radiation. Sometimes radiation performed before surgery with the goal of cancer surgery a little smaller so more easily with fewer side effects. Cancer treatment is a complex problem, not as easy as written above.
Although theoretically the radiation and chemotherapy can kill cancer and surgery can get rid of cancer, there are real limits to these efforts. This is because the cancer is caused by a unique agent, ie the body's own cells to lose control and disobedience to coordination provider. Obviously this is different from most other diseases caused by foreign agents such as viruses, bacteria. As a result of cancer treatments like radiation and chemotherapy are clinically would kill normal cells are also affected. Therefore, although the medical world has found that radiation dose can be lethal for cancer but the radiation dose was impossible because it means damaging the surrounding normal tissue as well. Imagine if the cancer was in the hearts and the hearts of radiation means any part is damaged, it will also bring death at a later date.
Similarly, chemotherapy is the greatest toxic chemicals for the cell, not just cancer cells but also normal cells that absorb them. As a result, those who undergo chemotherapy will radiaoterapi and laden with side effects such as nausea, vomiting, thin body, dry skin and rotting, eyebrow hair loss, body weakness, headache and more.
Treatment of cancer is still a big challenge for the modern medical world. And hopefully one day be found potent drug that can eliminate cancer from the body without excessive side effects.
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