In line with industrial progress and tegnologi, human need for adequate facilities grew older. It is one means of chemicals, whether in the form of elements, compounds ataupum mixture. We already know that there are 92 kinds of elements in nature. Plumpness of these elements exist as compounds. Only elements that are less reactive are not found in the free state. But, thanks to scientific and technological progress we have been able to free the elements of the compound.
This paper will discuss some elements that are useful in everyday life. The elements to be discussed include some elements of metal and some non-metallic elements.
Out of 92 kinds of natural elements, 70 species of which are metal elements. Man-made elements (NA 93-109) are often classified as a metal element.
We have learned that the metals are obtained by reducing compounds. Rsduksi process is there an easy and there are difficult depending on the reactivity of each metal. Iron and copper for example, already known to mankind since ancient times, is a new sodium and potassium known to man in the 19th century after the discovery of electrolysis method. Copper was the first metal produced by the primitive needs ynag into use during the Bronze (3500 BC), who allegedly formed from the decomposition of rocks in the campfire.
While the sample of iron in ancient times thought to have come from come from stone meteorites that fell to earth. Several other metal element is also important to community life, eg silver and gold.
Special Attributes metal
Metals have special properties which become dasra use. The properties can be summarized as follows.
a. Strong
Except for mercury, all tangible solid at room temperature. Hardness and strength of metals can ditimgkatkan by mixing the metal with other metals or with non-metals called aliase (alloy), for example aliase aluminum with magnesium which is used as construction materials of buildings, bridges and
motor vehicle.
b. Can be forged and can be stretched
Metals are not destroyed when struck. Thus, the metal can be forged to create a variety of tools, craft items or jewelry. Metals can also be stretched into a wire.
c. Distorted line of good conductor
This property underlying the use of metal as electrical cables, as well as cooking equipment such as kettle, pots and pans.
d. Shiny if polished
Metals used as jewelry and for decoration because it has the shiny properties if the rub.
e. Solid form at room temperature except mercury (liquid).