Lung and bronchial cancer is cancer of breast and prostate cancer the most common cancer in Western industrialized countries. After evaluation of the Robert Koch Institute is lung cancer in 2004 in Germany, the third most common in men and in women Krebsneuerkrankung. In men, lung cancer occurs at an average of 70 per 100,000 in women with 30 per 000 100. Apart from the risk factor increased from 35 Age disease is likely to slow. The average age of onset for men and women around 68 years.
Krebs is a physician and citizen of Germany and the British biochemist Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his work in explaining the process of metabolism (especially in finding the urea cycle and citrate cycle). He was born on August 25, 1900 in Hildesheim (Lower Saxony, Germany) from Georg Krebs spouse (also a doctor), and Alma. He died in Oxford, England on November 22, 1981.
Cancer cases in 2004 Lupe Germany click to enlarge The most common causes:
• Smoking
Continuous exposure of the respiratory tract by smoking increases the risk of lung cancer carcinoma. In men, up to 90%, with women currently up to 60% of lung cancer caused by active smoking. Cigarette smoke or the fact the substance and can damage the mucous membrane so that the degeneration of mucosal cells. Promote Approximately 16% of men and 9% of women who smoke become ill with lung cancer. Risk of lung tumors increased with the number of cigarettes smoked, duration of smoking, concentrations of tar and nicotine in cigarettes and the frequency of passive smoking.
Nicotine is an alkaloid found in plants tambakau. Nicotine is a colorless liquid, is a volatile base. Nicotine turns brown and smells like tobacco after contact with air; levels in tobacco between 1-2%.
The duration is the weighted average of the time on all bond cash flows, which was developed to combine ¬ coupon with maturity level. The duration can be used as a measuring tool sen ¬ sitivitas bond prices are more precise than at maturity at a small interest rate changes. The higher the duration of a bond the more sensitive to interest rate changes. In a large interest rate changes, perngggunaan duration as measure ¬ cent price sitivitas be inappropriate, because the bond price curve is not linear to han ¬ amendment rates, but are konvek. Convexity is a measure of obli ¬ trunk curvature of the curve showing the relationship between price and the maturity. The more convex curve tresebut means bond prices more sensitive to changes in yield. The existence of convexity of the bonds indicates that the bond price changes are not symmetrical with respect to interest rate changes. Use of duration and convexity together to measure price changes caused by major changes in the level of results diingginkan, can yield estimates of price changes better.
Mucosa is the layer on the surface which can be in touch. Mucosa composed of mucous membranes and surfaces similar to the layer in the mouth.
Unlike the smooth layer of the mouth, the vagina has wrinkles and folds.
It is layer after layer of muscle.
Carcinoma is a form of cancer that most commonly infect humans, growing from the epithelial tissue such as skin and lining of the body cavity and the organs and tissues such as breast and prostate gland.
The prostate is a small gland that wraps walnut for the top of the urethra, the drain from the bladder. Prostatic function issued a mixture of fluids and enzymes required by the sperm to stay healthy. The prostate usually work well until most people are not aware of its presence until their 40s or 50s. Although some are getting problems while in her 30s.
epithelium is one of four basic network (other connective tissue, muscle tissue, nerve tissue). Formerly the term used to refer to the epithelial lining of the clear above the surface of red bumps on lip webbing connector (epithelium: Epi above; Thele lips). This term is now used for all network structures and canal lining something.
Matting is the art of knitting is usually used material from bamboo, rattan, leaves having fibers which can be diluted (water hyacinth, palm leaves, pandanus leaves, etc.) and plastics. Matting is widely used as a household appliance daily. Matting can be if the tool is still as simple as cutting blades, knives penipis, pliers and pincers grouse round. in making wicker requires high kretivitas, ideas, thoughts and feelings of handicraft.
Doubling the number of smoked cigarettes per day increases, also risk of diseases, from cancer at twice. Double "years of smoking," the risk of five to six times higher. 80 since the year introduced the "cigarette lighter" to reduce tar and nicotine has no contribution to disease risk reduction.
Smokers are addicted to nicotine from cigarette smoke more deeply and smoke more often to the effect of nicotine to achieve desired. secondhand smoke is called mainstream smoke (the amount of smoke, the final breath of smoke) to about 20% and side smoke streams (the smoke from cigarette smoke) to about 80% affected. It's very rich sidestream smoke carcinogens and toxic substances.
Alkaloids are a class of compounds that most of heterocyclic nitrogenous bases, and there are in plants (but this does not exclude compounds that come from animals). Amino acids, peptides, proteins, nukleotid, nukleik acid, sugar acids, and antibiotics are usually not classified as alkaloids. And the same principle, which is biogenetik neutral compounds related to alkaloids, including this digolongan.
• contaminants in the workplace
In addition to smoking may also pollutants, which are exposed in the workplace (so-called working pollutants), the possibility of lung cancer diagnosed increased significantly. In combination with cigarette smoke increases the risk of once again significant. In particular, asbestos, arsenic, chromium, nickel, tar and soot damage to the lungs. But even with exposure to radiation, for example, radon, X-rays or gamma rays and high air pollution, particularly from diesel gas, increasing the risk. Cancer risk has been working in recent years through improvements in safety and working, but substantially reduced.
Pollutant is a substance that is not desired to be in the air exceeds a certain amount. Certain amount is called the threshold above. Pollutants in general may be harmful to human health and the neighborhood. There are many kinds of pollutants in the air. Among these are the compounds SO, NO compounds, compounds CO, lead, ozone, VOC (volatile organic compounds), and small particles, like the smoke haze and dust. Plants can absorb Carbondioksida gas (CO2) through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis occurs when there is sunlight. Borneo, shared premises a number of areas in South America, wants to be the lungs of the world because it is still a fairly natural forest.
Contaminants are substances or energy into the environment of fish resources caused by human activities or nature directly or indirectly, which resulted in negative effects for humans, environment, biological resources, and ecosystems.
Asbestos is a market term for a variety of minerals that can be broken apart to become a flexible fiber. Based on the mineralogical composition, asbestos can be classified into two parts. Group serpentine; ie krisotil mineral which is magnesium silicate hydroxide with the composition Mg6 (OH) 6 (Si4O11) H2O, Group amphiboles; ie krosidolit minerals, antofilit, amosit, Actinolite and tremolit.
Chromium is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol Cr and atomic number 24. Trivalent chromium (Cr (III), or Cr3 +) is required in small quantities in sugar metabolism in humans. Trivalent chromium deficiency can cause a disease called chromium deficiency disease (chromium deficiency). Chromium is a corrosion resistant metal (stainless steel) and can be polished to be shiny. With these properties, chromium (Cr) is widely used as a coating on the ornaments on the building and vehicle components such as the muffler on a motorcycle. Chromium alloying with iron and nickel to produce stainless steel. Pure chromium metal is never found in nature, generally are in the form of solid or mineral compounds with other elements.
Nickel is the rest of the industry process nickel ore smelting process after going through the process of combustion and filtering. The deposit is not expected to last for 900 years can spend as much as 4.7 billion tons of waste as a result of these industrial processes.
Radiation is the emission and propagation (propagation) of energy through matter or space in the form of electromagnetic waves or particles. Based on its nature, the radiation is divided into two types, namely non-ionizing radiation and ionizing radiation. When interacting with matter, ionizing radiation can cause ionization, while non-ionizing radiation does not cause ionization.
Radon is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol Rn and atomic number 86. Radon is also included in the group of noble gases and radioactive. Radon is formed from the decomposition of radium. Radon gas is also the most severe and dangerous to health. Rn-222 has a half-life of 3.8 days and used in radiotherapy. Radon can cause lung cancer, and is responsible for 20 000 deaths in the EU each year
X-rays is a strong-energy radiation that depends on the dose, can reduce cell division, damage genetic material, and cause defects in unborn babies. The cells that divide rapidly are most sensitive to x-ray exposure. Baby in the belly of the mother is sensitive to x-rays because their cells are still in the division level quickly, and develop into tissues and different organs. At certain doses, x-ray exposure in pregnant women can cause miscarriage or defects in the fetus, including the possibility of cancer in adulthood. Indeed most of the x-ray exposure procedure produces a relatively mild radiation. But as a precaution measures, the use of x-rays in pregnant women unless absolutely necessary, should be avoided. Women who through x-ray examination before knowing the status of her pregnancy should talk to their doctors.
Elektromagnetek gamma rays are high energy radiation, and massless uncharged. Gamma rays is indicated by the notation. Has the penetrating power of gamma rays. In addition to alpha rays, beta, gamma, there is also an artificial radioactive substances that emit X-ray and positron beam. X-rays are electromagnetic radiation
• heritage role
Ten to 15% of patients with lung cancer is cigarette smoking. Family-induced improvement in disease has long been known family risk of lung cancer patients have up to four times higher risk of developing itself. Different factors play in a genome Role: bestimmterEnzyme So, for example, reduced genetic activity Detoxification carcinogenic substances, or lack of repair of DNA damage contribute. As an important genetic factors and how often they actually develop lung cancer Fully inclusive, however, remains largely unclear.
Genome is a small media were present from the Biological Science Faculty Student creations incorporated in the container USU Activities Unit Ministry of Science Photographic Workshops (BFS) Department of Biological Science Faculty USU. Born on 25 April 2009 right before the launch of a very simple. In academic circles the Department of Biology, small media presence is a surprise. There is no shadow so far to make a significant tool, such as genomes, familiar calls.
Genetic is a sophisticated science and ngejelimet. What's more things that are learned within the scope of genetic an abstract, invisible. But should not rush to spend the following pages. Perhaps the example case below can tickle our curiosity to know a little about genetic science. The case below was presented by Ben Oostra and Andre Uitterlinden MD from the Genetic Laboratory, Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC
Detoxification is the cleansing of the body of toxins that settle in the organs of the body. Whether it's intestines, liver and endocrine system. Many ways can be done to make detoxification, either directly with colon cleansing (usually incorporate tools and tertentu substances into the intestine) or by eating foods high berkualiatas which can absorb toxins and remove toxins from the body. Melilea GFO and its circuit to Detoxify Organic naturally with high quality food Organic Food Combining with 5 Stars because the best way is to go back to Nature with diet and healthy life with Melilea
Is a carcinogenic material that may encourage / cause this could happen because kanker.Hal genomic instability or disruption of metabolic processes seluler.Kanker is a disease where damaged cells in the body of the patient not undergone programmed cell death, and grow uncontrolled with metabolism which menyimpang.Karsinogen may increase the risk of cancer by changing the cellular metabolism or damaging DNA directly in cells that interfere with biological processes and induces cell division are not controlled and eventually resulted in the formation of tumor.Biasanya, cells that experience DNA changes that are too severe will be redirected to enter the programmed cell death, but if the path of cell death program is broken then the cells turn into cancer cells.
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