The human body consists of many different cell types. Normally, cells grow and divide that only if it is beneficial for the body, for example during growth or in healing wounds. The process - also called regeneration - run continuously and be used for healthy body. If cell division progresses, new cells, although not required, there is excessive formation of new tissue. This excess tissue forms a tumor, called cancer. The excess tissue can be benign or malignant.
Regeneration is the ability to repair cells, tissues or body parts are damaged, missing or dead. Benefits of Green Gamas
1. Improve the function of cell regeneration.
2. Helped pen ... gobatan on diseases: heart, Uric Acid, Militus Diabetes, Cholesterol, Blood Sugar, hepatitis, hypertension, lupus, ulcers, acne, wounds, burns, lung inflammation, Types, Tumor, Stroke, epilepsy, asthma, osteoporosis, bone fractures, etc.
3. Help improve the intelligence of the Brain.
Insulin and Sperm 4.Produksi
Green Gamas Main Ingredients are:
1. Collagen (80%) function as:
- Adhesive back.
- The elasticity of the skin.
- Stimulating the cells for organ regeneration inside and outside.
- Inhibits premature aging, beautify and smooth the skin.
2. Mucopolysacharida (MPS) function as:
- Pengendor nerve.
- Blood diluents.
- Removal of pain / anti pain.
- Anti-Inflammation.
3. Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate serves as:
- Stimulating the growth of cartilage.
- Give fluid in joints (synovial).
- Reduce the pain of arthritis.
- Pursue the development of viruses (Japan has patented the use of Chondroitin Sulfate in gamat for HIV therapy).
4. Holoturin function as:
- Material Anti Virus.
- Anti inflammatory.
- Anti-Cancer.
5. Omega 3 (DHA & EPA) serves as:
- Dissolve the crust Cholesterol (LDL).
- Reduce the risk of heart attack.
- Improve Intelligence Brain.
- Preventing blood clots.
- Improve the quality of the sperm.
- Increase Vitality and Wellness.
6. Chromium functions as:
- Replacing Insulin.
- Reduce and improve blood sugar levels.
- Eliminate the feeling pain in the joints.
7. CGF (Cell Growth Factor) function as:
- Stimulate cell regeneration.
- Accelerate wound healing (outside & inside).
8. Amino acid or protein functions as:
- Substance builder, which provided the material in great part in the process of growth and maintenance of body tissue such as muscle, bone, teeth, skin, hair, brain, heart, blood cells, enzymes, hormones, anti-body, etc..
9. Minerals function as:
- Important role in the maintenance of body functions ranging from the cellular level, organ tissue, organ system to overall body function.
- Serve in various stages of metabolism, especially as a cofactor in the activity of enzymes in the body.
10. Saponin Glycosides compounds function as:
- Anti-Cancer and anti-inflammation.
11. Enzyme SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase). function as:
- Anti-oxidants, compounds were commissioned against free radicals.
While metamorphosis is a change in the form in stages from youth adult animal.
An incomplete metamorphosis with the life cycle stages: egg, nymph, and imago. Events meniggalkan egg larvae called eclosion. [Citation needed] After eclosion, these new insects that can be similar or entirely with its parent. Immature stages are usually have the feature that a lot of eating behavior
In benign tissue, the cells did not attack the neighboring network and not scattered in other body parts. Malignant tissue is cancerous tissue, however, the cells grow uncontrollably. They can penetrate into the neighboring healthy tissue and destroy it. It is also possible that cancer cells escape the original tumor and spread to the bloodstream and lymphatic system. In this way cancer spreads from the primary tumor and form new tumors in other parts of the body, this process is called metastasis.
The lymphatic system is a system that serves the secondary circulation of lymph or lymph flow in the body. Lymph (no spleen) derived from blood plasma out of the cardiovascular system into the surrounding tissue. The liquid is then collected by the lymphatic system through the process of diffusion into the lymph glands and is returned to the circulatory system. Meanwhile, the lymphatic obstruction is a blockage of the lymph nodes, vessels that drain fluid from the tissue throughout the body. Lymphatic obstruction is also called lymphedema, which means swelling in the lymph.
MAIN FUNCTION lymphatic system
The lymphatic system has a function:
1. Collect excess fluid and protein from body fluids and restore it into the blood
2. Transport fat from the tissue surrounding the small intestine to the blood
3. Filter out and destroy microorganisms
4. Long-term protection against MO and other foreign objects
Diseases of the lungs
Even lung tumors may be benign or malignant - benign tumors occur but much less than the evil. lung tumor grows slowly within the rules. They came out healthy tissue thereby destroying it. Although they rarely cause symptoms, they are usually removed by surgery, to ensure good properties and to prevent possible degeneration into malignant tumors. In more than 90 percent of cases of lung tumor growth. Lung cancer, called in technical language, and even lung cancer or lung cancer can occur in all parts of the lungs. More than 50 percent of the tumors developed at the top of the lungs, especially in the respiratory tract. This is connected with the fact that this area of lung ventilation during breathing and therefore more dangerous substances that are also facing a greater degree. From these areas, these cancers can spread to the surrounding lung tissue and then spread to other organs.
Ventilation is the movement of air into and out of the enclosed space. This term is used in a variety of the following: Ventilation (architecture) Ventilation (firefighters), Ventilation (physiology) Ventilation (tunnel), Ventilation (mining), In the field of medicine, mechanical ventilation is a method to assist breathing.
Eustachius tubal ventilation function can be detected by several examinations, one of them is checking Tympanometry. This check is based on the simple principle that if the sound energy reaching the tympanic membrane, then some will be absorbed while the rest will be reflected. Rigid tympanic membrane will reflect more energy than the tympanic membrane is flexible. By changing the external auditory dikanalis air pressure, then measuring the reflected sound energy, can be evaluated for flexibility and stiffness osikuler timpano system.
Incidence of lung cancer
Lung cancer is cancer of breast and prostate cancer the most common cancer in Western industrialized countries. Died 2004 in Germany 28 820 11 026 men and women from lung cancer. So lung cancer is most common in Germany, tumor-related death among men and the third (after breast cancer and colon cancer) in women.
Prostate cancer is cancer that develops in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. This occurs when prostate cells mutate and begin to grow out of control. These cells may spread from the prostate metastasis to other body parts, especially bones and lymph nodes. Dapa prostate cancer cause pain, difficulty urinating, erectile dysfunction and other symptoms.
Compared with all causes of death from lung cancer in men in third place and seventh in women. This is sick about three times as many men as women, most between 55 and 70 years of life. While in men since the mid-70s, the number of new cases decreased slightly, it increased in women opposed it. Increased lung cancer in women is associated with increased consumption of cigarettes since the 80s. Hopefully there are benefits. thanks
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